The 2018 Eternal Hunt Awards, pt. 2: A look back at my hobby year


First of all, happy new year again, and welcome to the second installment of the 2018 Eternal Hunt Awards, in which I will be taking a look back at my personal hobby year — as everybody else on the internet seems to be doing this week 😉

Still, I hope you will indulge me — if nothing else, 2018 was a pretty successful hobby year for me, and I am rather proud of my output. There were also some hobby moments of note that I would like to share with you. And no recap would be complete without a couple of ideas – and, indeed, resolutions, for the new year, so there’s that, too.

So let’s get started:

I. My hobby projects

Twelve months ago, I looked at the stuff I had managed to paint in 2017, and while I was pretty happy with the quality with my output, the quantity left a lot to be desired, with only twelve completed models:

So one of my goals for 2018 was definitely to get more stuff painted, with an added sub-goal of trying to make a dent in my back catalogue of neglected, woefully unpainted models. And looking at my 2018 hobby results today, I can say that the mission has been accomplished. Here are all the models I have managed to paint in 2018:

That’s 52 models, all in all, one for each week of the year — although, to be perfectly honest, my output was heavily front-loaded 😉

Now I do of course realise that this is not an award winning number by any stretch of the imagination — so many hobbyists I follow have managed to paint upwards of 200 models last year, while fellow hobbyist Azazel, almost insultingly, manages to finish my yearly amount of painted models every other month (!), but I am still very pleased with the above tableau of finished pieces.

What’s more, about half of those models are indeed pieces that had been sitting unpainted (if not unloved!) in my cupboard of shame — for years, in many cases!

By the same token, 2018’s big hobby lesson was that to keep painting on a constant basis leads to it actually feeling much less like a chore: Before, I would often find myself looking forward to having the actual finished models, while dreading the way towards that goal. These days, however, I realise that I am looking forward to the actual painting process, to be able to try new stuff, more and more often — not nearly often enough, mind you, but it’s a start! 🙂

Thanks for this development must go to Azazel, again, for his wonderfully inclusive monthly hobby challenges that have truly become a pillar of the community — the fact that they get mentioned as a positive influence on dozens of blogs should be more than enough proof of that fact, and funnily enough, the January challenge has me looking forward to crossing another unfinished item off my inventory list. So cheers for that, mate!

The other big incentive to keep painting were my regular painting sessions with my good friend Annie: It’s so much easier to keep beavering away at frustrating detail work while sitting across from someone who is doing the same, being able to share friendly quips, hobby advice or ideas — and then eating huge piles of Greek takeaway food. So many thanks to Annie as well! 🙂

So, let’s take a closer look at my biggest 2018 hobby projects in turn:

1. Khorne’s Eternal Hunt

Here’s the one possible piece of bad news: I have definitely given my longest running hobby endeavour short shrift this past year, at least from a numbers perspective: only three new models for Khorne’s Eternal Hunt, my World Eaters, in their various incarnations. If nothing else, however, I am still really happy with those three models, though:

In fact, the very first model I painted in January 2018 was a – pretty cool – additon to my (30k) World Eaters, Raud the Hunter, a Legion Contemptor with a chip on his shoulder:

I am still really happy with the model, which is already the second World Eaters Contemptor I have converted from the somewhat bland Betrayal at Calth plastic Contemptor. Raud was supposed to serve as a bridgehead for many painted 30k World Eaters in 2018 — which somehow never came to pass. But we’ll just have to postpone the invasion to 2019 then, eh? 😉

In any case, you can read more about Raud in this post.

The next model for my World Eaters was also basically my crowning achievement of 2018: The Hound, a renegade Armiger Warglaive, complete with converted cockpit and pilot, completed during the summer as a contribution for the annual ETL event over at The Bolter & Chainsword:

I have loved the Armiger models at first sight, and corrupting one to the service of the ruinous powers was a lot of fun — as was the somewhat fiddly process of wedging a cockpit and pilot into that deceptively small torso 😉 In the end, however, it was all worth it, as I am really proud of the finished model, and it also won me the “Badge of the Artificer”, a B&C forum achievement I had been coveting for years:

In case you are interested, you can read up on the Hound in this post and its follow-ups.

And while we are on the matter of (Not-so) Imperial Knights, I also used the release of the Adeptus Titanicus-scaled Questoris Knights to build yet another “Chibi-Knight”, a smaller version of my Traitor Knight, Gilgamesh, the Warrior King:

And if you’ve been paying attention so far, it shouldn’t surprise you to learn that I felt the absolute urge to somehow build a cockpit and pilot for this model as well:

To discover more (occasionally tiny) details about this projects, check out my posts on Chibi-Gilgamesh 2.0 here, here and here.


2. The world of INQ28

While the World Eaters did not get all that much attention from me last year, I had all the more time to devote to INQ28 characters and retinues, managing to complete no fewer than five warbands, three of which were painted from start to finish. This makes the “INQ28 class of 2018” look rather impressive, if I do say so myself:

Moreover, here’s where my plan to finish long neglected models truly came to fruition. For instance, I finally managed to paint a model that I had been putting off for years for fear of ruining it: Mamzel Elisha Gorgo, an Imperial débutante and psyker in the employ of Inquisitor Gotthardt of the Ordo Hereticus:

And indeed, finally painting the model also served as a capstone to Inquisitor Gotthardt’s entire retinue, which is now finally finished, after years of procrastination:

This is actually one of my oldest INQ28 projects, with many of the models originating in a time where both my bitz box and conversion prowess were much smaller than they are today, yet I still remain enormously fond of the somewhat swashbuckling, picaresque charm of the warband (and of my resourcefulness at channeling so many of the archetypes from the old Inquisitor rulebook with the bitz available at that time).

Another long-neglected project was the retinue of Inquisitor Nabreus Arslan of the Ordo Hereticus Velsen:

The warband started off as a bit of a reception camp for various older models, some of them still from GW’s metal days, and yet everything came together rather nicely as a pretty unified-looking Hereticus warband: I blazed through all of these models back in February and March, and going full fire and brimstone on them was a lot of fun!

Take a closer look at the warband here.

Hot on the heels of Arslan and his operatives came yet another Inquisitorial retinue, namely that of Redactor Orlant of the Ordo Scriptorum:

Orlant started out as a tribute both to fellow hobbyist PDH’s ideas for the Ordo Scriptorum as well as to a particular piece of art by the late, great Wayne England — in fact, the (almost) finished retinue features no less than three distinct shout outs to art by Mr. England. It was also heavily driven by inspiration taken from fellow hobbyists PDH’s and Johannus’ work and from Chris Wraight’s fantastic exploration of Terra, “Vaults of Terra – the Carrion Throne”. Anyway, it’s a warband I am stupidly happy with, and even though it’s still technically missing one final member, the fact remains that I was able to mainly finish the project this year.

Meet Redactor Orlant and his shadowy operatives here.

Moving from the agents of the Ordos to the somewhat more unsavory corners of the 40k galaxy: I managed to paint a few more models for my gang of underhive malcontents, the Road Crew.

First up, Worker #9, ancient automaton and walking engine of death extraordinaire:

Now this guy had been neglected for a long time, so finally turning him into a wonderfully ramshackle killer robot from the past – and in beautiful scuffed yellow, no less – did feel so very rewarding! More info on Worker #9 can be found here, by the way.

With the big guy serving as a bit of a trailblazer, I also completed some slightly less massive members for the Road Crew. Meet Sawtooth, Cirque and Sarge:

Together, those four models basically round out the crew for now. They do make for a rather distinguished little group, if you don’t mind me saying so:

At the same time, the project is open-ended enough that new models can (and will) always be added to the Road Crew as needed — and as inspiration strikes me. I still have an unpainted ride for them, for one, and both the crazy new Ork vehicles as well as those new Genestealer bikes seem like such a natural eventual addition to a Mad Max style Road Warrior warband. Just sayin’… 😉

And finally, I also explored fairly new territory in painting an entire warband/kill team of loyalist Space Marines. This is Kill Team Ulrach of the Deathwatch:

As I have said before, this project was very much inspired by PDH’s and Jeff Vader’s respective Deathwatch kill teams, and it was a lot of fun to be able to explore various Space Marine chapters and their individual visual identities while also to trying to keep it all nice and straightforward under the Deathwatch’s unifying colour scheme. Now loyalist Space Marines may seem like the least original thing to be painting in this hobby of ours, but the truth is that the project made me truly leave my comfort zone, experimenting with line highlighting, different skin tones and freehanding — plus it also gave me a rather big appreciation of the Primaris models (I still abhor the fluff, though…).

Meet Kill Team Ulrach in more detail here.


3. On the Blood Bowl pitch

Ever since Annie succeeded at roping me into creating a Blood Bowl team, working on some new Blood Bowl models has always served as a nice way of exploring a somewhat silly and whimsical side of our hobby — plus it’s always a fun thing to be working on during our joint hobby sessions.

Which is why I finally gave my Orkheim Ultraz some much needed attention in 2018, adding a dozen new models to the team:

Not all of these are players, however: As you can see in the photo, there’s a nice collection of Blood Bowl markers and tokens, a Goblin Nurse plus some of Maxime Pastourel’s brilliant Orc balls and a pair of Goblin players — actually the last two models I painted in 2018!

4. Having a bit of fun

And while we are on the topic of just having some fun every now and then, there are a couple of projects that I tacked just for the heck of it. Everything started back in February, when I painted Trooper Gibbson Rikkert of the 5th Arcadian Rifles:

A veritable old chest nut, this one, given to me quite a while ago by fellow hobbyist Drone21c. The time had come to paint him, retro base and all.

And if you thought it couldn’t get any more retro, I can prove you wrong with the next exhibit, an entertaining project that consisted of repainting a 1979 Boba Fett action figure:

Staying with pop culture icons for a second, I also made an attempt to bring my favourite infiltrations expert into the 41st millennium:

Those three projects were completed on a whim, and I had a blast doing each of them, simple as that 😉


So that’s my output for 2018. I cannot help but feel a little proud of myself when I look at the colourful gang below. They are only 52 models, but I am happy with each and every one of them.


II. Hobby moments of note

2018 was, again, not completely about painting models, of course. And while it was a somewhat more hermetic year, defined by painting sessions rather than visits abroad or crazy international shenanigans, there were still some moments that I would like to share with you:

1. Learning new techniques

Learning new techniques is always great in our hobby — and should probably come with the territory, come to think of it. Even so, I feel I really pushed myself this year, experimenting with freehanding, exploring different skin tones, mixing my own snow or using a Staedtler micropen to create “quasi-freehand” designs and symbols (an idea courtesy of Jeff Vader, by the way): Those are all small technical tricks and tweaks, but it felt good to be able to add them to my toolbox!

2. Kickstarter

So far, I have been fairly conservative when it came to joining hobby-related Kickstarters, but in 2018, there were two projects that made me take the plunge:

First came Dave Taylor’s Kickstarter for his book “Armies & Legions & Hordes”:

Most of you will probably recognise Dave’s name – and if you don’t, you should definitely check out his blog right away! Dave’s various army projects have been an invaluable fountain of inspiration over the years, so when I found out he was crowdfunding a book about realising army projects, chipping in was basically a no-brainer. My only regret is that the book didn’t arrive in time for Christmas. But it should be here soon, and I am waiting with bated breath — expect a detailed review as soon as I get my hands on my copy of the book!

My second Kickstarter contribution was to the campaign for a boardgame version of Horizon Zero Dawn, basically my favourite video game of 2017:

To be perfectly honest, I really mostly wanted the (Kickstarter-exclusive) model for Aloy, the game’s heroine:

But the campaign basically went through the roof, which will provide me with a whopping hundred or so models — I’ll probably believe it when I see it — but keep your fingers crossed for me, okay? 😉

Also, if you are into gaming at all, make sure to check out Horizon Zero Dawn — seriouly!

3. A Tribute to Wayne England

Now this certainly wasn’t the result of a meticulous plan or anything, but it does make me feel pleased that a part of my hobby output functions as a direct tribute to one of my favourite GW artists of the yesteryear, Mr. Wayne England:

As I’ve said above, three models in Inquisitor Orlant’s retinue are basically direct reproductions of Wayne England’s art (the good Inquisitor among them). It only occured to me later on that the artwork I had based my paintjob of Trooper Gibbson Rikkert was also originally done by Wayne England. And the flying Ordo Hereticus servo-skull carries more than a hint of the angular, hyper-stylised and grimdark Wayne England illustrations from the 90s, such as his crest for the Redemptionist Cult.

For me, John Blanche and Wayne England are basically the alpha and the omega of 40k art (with Jes Goodwin placed right between them as the genius who would always turn their art into beautiful miniature concepts and, more often than not, actual miniatures), so to have them both immortalised now in my collection really pleases me a great deal!

4. Hugs for the Hug Throne!

Another very pleasing project, and also one of my last projects of 2018, to boot: When fellow hobbyist PDH became a father last fall, it was clear to me that I wanted to send him a little surprise for his son, and while it took me until shortly before Christmas to follow through with it, I would like to imagine that I managed to pull it off in style.

You see, I chose to send over a teddy bear. Not exactly winning high marks for originality here, I know. But I wanted to send something typically German, and Steiff is Germany’s oldest toy manufactory (ranging back into the 19th century), and their teddy bears are about as traditionally German as they come. That being said, and given PDH’s and my shared hobby, I felt the bear needed a little…accessory:

And thus was born Beriax the Comforter, who shall deliver HUGS FOR THE HUG THRONE!

The best part, however, was that the package actually managed to make it there in time for Christmas. Peter informed me he had to confiscate the chainaxe, however — it’s probably for the best… 😉


III. Blogging

First of all, the most obvious fact, Eternal Hunt turned six early last year (and will be seven soon), and it’s always astonishing to see how this little blog I started once upon a day is still around — and maybe even thrieving…?

This is at least true from a content perspective: After a less active year of blogging in 2017 – with a mere 25 posts – I tried my best to return to a more regular schedule and more content in 2018, and it worked: Of course more painted models also meant more content to post, and so I ended the year with 40 posts all in all, which was a bit of a return to form.

At the same time, it has become more and more difficult to generate interest in my content, unfortunately: In spite of more content, 2018 was actually the blog’s weakest year since 2014, at least where views are concerned. If you take a look at the statistics, you can clearly see that, allowing for some ups and downs here and there, the views for Eternal Hunt have been in steady decline:

I don’t really want to keep beating a dead horse here, but I am also not going to lie to you: This is pretty frustrating. Like every blogger, I derive much of my motivation to continue blogging from people actually taking an interest, from engaging with my work. And it just gets more and more difficult to achieve just that. On the one hand, it’s clear that this is just part of an overarching trend, with hobby related communication seemingly shifting more and more to Instagram, Facebook or Twitter while forums and blogs suffer a steady decline: If I look at some of my favourite forums online, it’s really rather shocking how slow and quiet things have become, with even some of the hobbyists that used to be mainstays of the community seemingly having departed for good, towards the supposedly greener pastures of Instagram. Fortunately enough, at least the Bolter & Chainsword remains a pretty lively online community, but I definitely fear for some of my other long time haunts…

And while I wasn’t going to join Instagram back in 2017, witnessing Facebook’s actions as a company throughout the year 2018 has only made me more reluctant to give their platforms and services any presence in my private life: I really do not want to support them, even if this very obviously means to be left behind as a part of the hobby scene — at least that’s how it can seem from time to time.

On the other hand, this also means that I am all the more thankful to those of you who still drop by here, who still comment and who still care! Please continue doing that, as it is the very thing that’s keeping this blog – and other places like it – alive. By the same token, I will also endeavour to comment more on other people’s work online. It’s something that sometimes requires a bit of an effort, and it’s all too easy to grow complacent. I know all this from my own experience, which is why I appreciate your comments all the more!

IV. Plans

So what’s in store for 2019, then? While I don’t want to tie myself down or back myself into a corner with too ambitious or detailed plans and schedules, there are of course a couple of things I would like to achieve in the new year:

I’ll definitely need to get some more World Eaters painted, lest the Blood God grow impatient with me. I think I’ll be focusing on my 30k World Eaters for now, though, both because there’s enough unpainted stuff there for me to tackle, but also because I think the small collection of 30k models I have managed to complete so far actually looks pretty cool:

And even though he’s not a World Eater, this plan also extends to my models for Argel Tal that I wanted to paint in 2018 but didn’t: You’ll be painted in the shadow of great wings, buddy 😉

There’s also this duel diorama that I originally build for a challenge at the local Warhammer store, then abandonded, feeling somewhat dejected and disillusioned when the – absolutely awesome – store manager was abruptly let go by GW seemingly without any kind of reason: I really didn’t have an appetite for working on the piece for a good long while, but it’s still a pretty cool diorama, in spite of everything, so onto the 2019 pile it goes:

As for the 40k incarnation of my World Eaters, I think I’ll be waiting for GW to make a move with the legion in the 40k setting: Right now, the World Eaters are in a bit of a limbo, with one of the oldest available plastic kits for their main troop type, and while there have been rumours about all of the cult legions eventually getting the Death Guard treatment, there’s nothing solid to work with as of yet. I want to see what GW is planning for the legion before jumping back in, to be honest.

There’s one certain addition for Khorne’s Eternal Hunt, though: My second converted Armiger Warglaive, and its pilot, the Huntress:

Take a closer look at the model here.

As you’ve maybe seen in my previous post, I have also started working on some Nurglite models recently, so expect to see some more Keepers of the Eternal Garden as well in 2019:

And there’ll be more INQ28 models, obviously — maybe once again with a focus on getting some neglected models and warbands. Believe it or not, there must be about half a dozen unfinished warband projects in my cupboard of shame, so it would be really nice to be able to cross some more off my list of unpainted stuff. Plus there are some pretty cool and creepy characters I would just love to see painted, such as Countess Mandelholtz here:

And thanks to the wonderful marvel of blogging, chances are you’ll be able to check out how it all develops. If you keep reading this stuff. If you keep commenting. I would very much like to invite you to accompany me on this crazy hobby voyage for another year!

Until then, I would love to hear your thoughts on my recap of 2018 and on my plans for 2019, of course!

And finally, as always, thanks for looking and stay tuned for more!

61 Responses to “The 2018 Eternal Hunt Awards, pt. 2: A look back at my hobby year”

  1. That’s a solid output for the year and every one a great conversion and paint job. Looking forward to seeing more. It’s a real shame about blogs though, I mean I stopped posting on mine and now focus on B&C both because I don’t have time to post and the lack of attention.
    I’m always happy to see your posts crop up on my feed though so keep it up.

  2. Pandoras Bitz Box Says:

    Really nice round up, to see all of your years work together. It really impressive and I’m glad you managed to up your production from last year (I am also disgusted by the alarming rat Azazel churns out his minis… There is no point comparing numbers)

    Personally it’s funny to hear you talk about the age of the blog and reference the activity of previous years… Because I have only really seen any of it first hand since about April. I think his year my favourite projects of yours have been the road Crew, Inq28 and Deathwatch. Obviously I’ve closely followed everything and really enjoyed your knights, as well as using your own work as a benchmark for my own (I showed my friend yours in advance so that I would have to meet the same standard). Those first 3 though smacked of so much character and I really loved seeing the motivations behind choices in their aesthetics. It’s because of you I wish I knew some Inq28 players.

    It’s also thanks to you I think that I found Azazel’s, a positive Lynchpin in our blogging community. So thank you for that, those low pressure challenges have been a primary source of motivation for many of my recent projects. I do find the competitions at Bolter a bit daunting, I would want to let down my fellow Fraters with a failed project!

    On the subject of comments on blogs… Now that we are involved in them, we really do realise that that are the Holy Grail of interest. It seems most of the comments come from other bloggers or comments fished directly from another platform such as Twitter by request. I guess people don’t realise what it means to us after we have put time in the minis and the posts. I am active on Twitter and I have an Instagram account, although the latter is primarily and online gallery of my finished works so doesn’t get as much interest as other people’s who post so regularly I don’t have the time to look through all of their media for something relevant. I do like the Twitter community, I thought you’d hate it, but limiting my account to Hobby only has really showed me the positive side of it as well as making new friends, some of whom I may even catch up with in meetups. Bolter has been the best source of genuine, helpful constructive feedback without a doubt though. They are 3 very different platforms to me all with merit (Twitter, Blog, Bolter). Sadly the blog does get the least interaction, but I’m on a quest to try and network with as many bloggers who’s work I enjoy, as possible. I’ve just installed “Feedly”, to allow me to more easily access non-wordpress Blogs.

    Sorry… I’m realising my comment has almost become a post in it’s own right…

    Ok, in conclusion…

    Your Blog is Freaking AMAZING. there ARE people who appreciate it. I’m personally thanking you for your in my own hobby, directly and indirectly. Only a year ago you were still one of the legends my friend talked about along with “The Plaguebones Guy” of Blog De Kouzes. Now I couldn’t be happier counting you as a peer, whose work I’m comfortable commenting on. I would also like to thank you on behalf of the Annonymous, silent army or people who charge through your blog on daily basis without letting you know what your work meant to them.

    Thanks. 👍

    • Thanks a lot, mate! And please, never feel the need to apologise for a too long comment — that’s the whole point, as far as I am concerned 😉

      If you’ve only followed the last half year or so of the blog, you may want to delve into the back catalogue a bit — please excuse the rather shameless plug, but I am pretty sure there’s a lot that might interest you 🙂

      As for blogging, I feel exactly the same way about the function of blogs, but it does seem as though social media are all the rage these days. Which wouldn’t be a problem in and of itself, but attention for the blogs and forums seems to be drying up at the same time.

      But anyway, I am glad to still receive comments like this, the more rambling the better 😉 Funny thing about being mentioned as “a legend” along with the likes of Maxime Pastourel (“that Plague Bones guy”), who, by the way, is super approachable.

      • Pandoras Bitz Box Says:

        I’ll be sure to let him know I appreciate his work then, not that he needs telling… Doesn’t he work for GW now? 😄

        I’m glad my waffling isn’t a problem, it’s unlikely to stop as much as my friends make fun of it. I ran a bit of a poll today and got some really interesting feedback from a load of Twitter Users. Maybe I’ll do a post on it… I only really like writing hobby posts though. Still I was interesting to engage with people from various perspectives on their interactions with Blogs.

        So far though the vote had only been going a few hours and two of the results are fascinating me.

        People who ENJOY reading blogs 36%
        People who read AND comment… 8%

        Shouldn’t those numbers be the other way around?

      • Well, yes, of course they should — but what can you do about it? The sad thing is that those 36% are – unwillingly, I’m sure – contributing to the general trend of bloggers stopping to update because they are frustrated at the lack of response…

  3. ssspectre Says:

    Man, I’m glad you do these retrospective posts, because they’re a great way to catch up on stuff that people might have missed through the rest of the year. Case in point: that’s a fantastic Snake! Somehow the massive proportions of a primaris marine actually kind of evoke the blocky, action figure-esque look of the original Playstation character model. Superb. Lovely to think that you were building him around the same time I was building The Boss.

    Sorry to hear the blogs are suffering a bit these days – wordpress has been one of the lifeboats I’ve been considering in case Tumblr really does suffer the mass exodus that everyone fears. Instagram has always seemed like a pretty poor way to show off miniatures (since you can’t even display images at full size), some of the forums have been a bit dicey in terms of hosting over the years and I just want nothing to do with Facebook on any level… Things are tough all over, I guess.

    Anyhow your blog remains awesome and I will try and leave a comment more often so you don’t feel like you’re out here just screaming into the void by your lonesome. Happy hobbying.

    • Thanks a lot sspectre! I agree with your assessment of the various platforms, although there are fellow hobbyists I respect a great deal that swear by Instagram as an extremely comfortable way of sharing hobby content without even having to use a PC — I guess it’s just not for me, and that’s without even addressing the steaming gakpile that Facebook has become as a company 😉

      As for hosting, I get how that might be a problem — WordPress still works really well for me in that respect, fortunately, although if it’s mainly image hosting you are after, the humble old gallery over on Dakka still works like a charm.

    • Oh, and I totally forgot to mention that before: That version of the Boss is so awesome! Recognisably influenced by the source material, but also very much her own character! And I am really glad to have discovered your Tumblr presence this way: I’ve been following you on Flickr for ages, and had already been wondering where you’d gone off to… 🙂

      • ssspectre Says:

        Thanks so much, man. And I guess I should probably revive that Flickr account! Lots to update.

      • You definitely should, although I’m glad to finally have discovered your Tumblr presence this way — it honestly strikes me as a rather extraordinary choice of platform for a wargaming blog. Are there any other great blogs I am missing on Tumblr, I wonder?

      • Extraordinary is certainly one word for it, isn’t it!

        Tumblr always seemed to me like it might be a natural fit for hobby blogs, since it’s geared more towards images than the written word (and I do tend to appreciate the visual side of the hobby over anything else). But it really wasn’t to be, was it. Almost everybody whose work I follow stuck it out on wordpress or blogger or set up shop on instagram instead.

        There definitely are people doing great hobby on tumblr – Skittens, Kourat, David Sullivan, Renegade Chaos Druid, Valkyr Maiden and The Stonecutter’s Guild are some of my favourites, but even on their blogs you run into one of the key problems with the format – the ease with which you can share content from other people means that it’s actually kinda difficult to find the original work that they’re doing, unless that person is particularly diligent about using the tag system. It’s a shame because I really enjoy tumblr’s ease of use for what I want to do with it, but the community’s kind of small and seems to have an easier time getting into arguments with itself than actually producing cool stuff.

        Anyway this is all a very long-winded way of saying that I did go ahead and start a proper blog here. I’m still going to be using my tumblr, but I figure it can’t hurt to put myself out there to a slightly different audience.

      • Yeah, the inability of tracing something back to its origin on Tumblr has frustrated me more than once, and I definitely see how it might be an issue if you are a content creator over there. Even so, thanks a lot for those links which I’ll make sure to check out ASAP, and huzzah for your own blog! Consider me subscribed 🙂

  4. Fearsome Engine Says:

    Thanks for the fantastic year in review. And thanks for the great blog. Your consistent posting and content is an inspiration. Keep up the great work.

  5. If it makes you feel any better about the view counts, your blog was a big part of the inspiration for making my own (four day anniversary! woo!). At this point I’m not certain, but I believe your heresy-era world eaters was what really got me to think about the 30k setting for the first time, which has now resulted in a decent little death guard force, and your artwork-based models and truescale deathwatch are well on the way to convincing me to try my hand at both those concepts.

    Can’t wait to see what the new year brings, especially with all the amazing plastic kits coming out from GW recently!

    • Haha, that does make me feel better, indeed! Cheers for that! I already have your blog open on another tab, btw — now I hope that makes you feel better in turn 😉

      Artwork based conversions are a lot of fun! You should definitely give it a try! With all the bitz and pieces available today, the world’s your oyster!

  6. Congratulations on a fantastic and productive year! The diversity of your projects is really inspiring, and it is clear that your skills are getting better and better! It is wonderful to be able to follow along with your hobby adventures through your blog, particularly since each post is a detailed account of the process and not simply a string of pictures. This is the largest strength blogs I think, that they can convey a lot more information, while Facebook or Instagram just tends to be a picture of two and a few words. But as you know, it takes so much time to do posts like you do.

    I am happy to say Between the Bolter and Me just turned 6! My brothers and I are still trying to keep it going, making sure our posts are as informative as possible, to help interested hobbyists, and not just be another social media feed. But like your blog, we are getting lower numbers than we in years past, which can be disheartening. With that in mind, and the amount of work it takes for a blog, I can understand why people do not want to start them anymore. But it is a real shame. Instagram seems to be the platform that is gaining the most ground, because unlike Facebook, it is centered more around content creators. And since people do not have to search out content to look at, and only scroll through pictures, it is much easier. It is far less satisfying, however, but I guess at least hobbyists are using something to display there work. We have started to us Instagram as a way to show WIP images and “advertise” new posts on the blog, and I think it has helped a little.

    Overall it is a weird time for blogging. I love doing it, but it is hard to justify at times. It is really encouraging to have blogs like yours, however, continuing to release such great, detailed content. I always look forward to your posts (sorry if I do not often comment…). Thanks for your hard work and happy 2019! I cannot wait to follow your hobby work throughout it!

    • Cheers Eric! I really appreciate the comment, and I would be remiss not to mention that your blog is one of my regular go-to places for insightful hobby content — in fact, I’d say both your very involved painting and modeling projects as well as the discussions on what I think are becoming rather fascinating and pressing issues (female representation in our hobby, to name just one example) really profit from the longform style of blogging.

      Anyway, thanks again, and here’s to another year, eh? 😉

      • Yes, here is to a great 2019!

        Thanks as always for visiting our blog! I certainly agree that a blog is one of the best way to delve more deeply about a technique or a pressing issue. And even if they might not get a lot of views immediately, they stay there and are easier to find, unlike social media, which tends to be an ephemeral blur.

  7. Great stuff Krauty, you’ve had a superb year mate! I wouldn’t worry too much about the blog stats – there’s so much guff going on out on the interwebs, but there is nothing better than grabbing a coffee, taking 5 minutes, and reading through a well written blog post with lovely pics of gorgeous minis… have faith Brother!

  8. fenchesco Says:

    Hi KrautScientist! I really love the blog, im on the mailing list and its one of my go-to hobby blogs. It would be great to see you build up the World Eaters legion for Heresy over 2019, and the Inq28 projects. My plan for 2018 was to build and paint my Heresy era Death Guard (they are built at least now), so my hobby lives vicariously through watching other talented people while I procrastinate! Keep up the good work! And paint up Argel Tal, that conversion is awesome!

  9. Kudos on an amazing year ❤️
    Highlight for me is the chibi knights. They (and the eternal hunt) deserve a full household and a Legio to support 😉

    I see the same trend on the blog however, and I agree that it is the more flimsical social medias that oversaturate the market so to speak. We just need to truck on and keep supplering each other. The trends will Change again when people want more meat on their hobby bone.

    • Cheers, mate! Yeah, that Chibi-Knight was a ton of fun — and since I still have the other two Knights from the kit, he’ll be getting a clean and bright loyalist nemesis some time this year!

      Trucking on sounds like the right strategy: Keep calm and carry on, it is 😉

  10. FirBholg Says:

    That is some impressive output this year, dude!

    If I had to pick out a favourite project of yours from this year, it would probably have to be your Deathwatch Killteam – I think the effort you went to to differentiate each of the characters in the squad, both in terms of the conversions but also the painting and learning new techniques… I’m blown away!
    That said your armigers are amazing, and I love the Inquisitor war bands, and… and… 😀

    Also, the ‘just for fun’ projects like Fett and Snaaaaake were a blast too!

    I suspect I actually feel the same way as you about a lot of social media – I see why some people find it really useful, but I’ve pretty much dropped off Twitter this year which means that my main exposure to hobby content is blogs (as other posters have already said more eloquently than I, many of which I’ve discovered via Eternal Hunt!)
    Honestly, your blog has always been a bit of a beacon of light in the long dark night of not-having-the-time-to-hobby these past few years, so thank you!

    I am determined to get hobbying this year though! Painting and gaming on the regular first, then I’ll consider WordPress 😉

    • Thanks a lot, FirBholg, and best of luck getting back into the swing of things! Choose something quick and fun to start off, even if it’s something weird or silly. As for sharing it, I can still recommend WordPress!

  11. Congrats on the painting, and I can only echo your comment about how painting more often makes it more of a pleasure to paint. I definitely found that last year, and hopefully it will continue this year too, as I have plenty more to go.

    Can’t wait to see that countess model of yours painted!

    • Cheers, Dave!

      Yeah, painting always used to be such a drag, but it really does become easier — it’s so easy to get complacent again, though. A never ending cycle, I guess 😉

  12. Fernando Says:

    Really cool to see your blog still here. I’m sad to hear of the decline of blogging in general, but hey, lets just keep delaying the inevitable.

  13. I will admit that I’ve been one of the flock that’s left (or at least, stopped spending the majority of my online presence in) the blogosphere and forum communities in favor of the convenience of social media and Discord (Discord especially) — and then subsequently descended into inactivity.

    I’ve found that while there are undoubtedly nice aspects to the immediacy of Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Discord, et al. they simply don’t provide me with the same inspiration or motivation that a good forum community like the Bolter and Chainsword does — actually having to think about what you post works a treat on having to following through with conceptualization or projects, not to mention the fact that it does wonders to preserve a high level of discussion and (relative) civility. I haven’t painted or modeled in nearly a year, and I think that’s in no small part due to the different form of the communities I’ve been occupying my time with: they don’t *work* for me in the same way that a forum does, and I’ve only just realized this.

    So, one of my New Year’s resolutions is to transition back to the forums, be more active on the B&C, hopefully actually start getting motivated (rather then just having the desire) to do the hobby, and then when that happens, use that seed of work to actually start blogging myself when I have something to show for it. It’s definitely going to be a difficult transition to get used to again, but ultimately, for my hobby life, it’s what has to be done. Always loved your Eternal Hunt Awards, and your commentary on the state of blogs and forums has further convinced me that the right path to take is a return, and perhaps inspire a renaissance of the sphere.

    Here’s hoping for a productive year for you, for me, and for all! Looking forward to what 2019 will bring to the Eternal Hunt: you are a linchpin for keeping the community going, and your articles always inspire thought whenever I read them.

    • Thanks a lot, MCG, and that is an interesting perspective about the possible pitfalls of consuming hobby content via social media. If you want to get back into actual hobbying, let me also suggest taking a look at Azazel’s blog and his monthly community challenges — those account for just about 80% of my painting output this year.

  14. Enjoyed the round-up. Worker #9 is brilliant, I must have missed it first time round! If you keep blogging, I’ll keep following! Looking forward to seeing what comes out in 2019

  15. Your articles are a treat, and I’m always happy to see your blog still active every time I check up on it. Instagram is decent for photos but I feel you lose a lot of the depth you get with loger form articles. High-quality pages like yours make me feel like I’m reading a beautiful crowd-sourced White Dwarf 🙂
    As an artist I also feel the pressure to engage more with social media, and I also feel pretty reluctant, especially with facebook. Not only their policies are really bad, but I find it very un-engaging and ugly…

    Anyways, I’ll keep checking up here and wish you a great hobby year:

  16. PickaxeJunky Says:

    Congrats on a productive year!

    Your blog is a great source of inspiration. I’ve been a long time lurker, but never actually commented on any of your posts, and I’m sure I’m not the only one. There are plenty of people who enjoy the work you put into the blog and look forward to new content from you – lomg may it continue!

    I’m particularly keen on your Inq28 stuff. It’s top notch work!

  17. You’ve had a cracking year mate. I still can’t believe you managed to fit a pilot into that AT knight, shear madness (of the very best kind!). It’s been great seeing so much of your Inq28 stuff getting finished, I’ve always found that to be amongst the most inspiring of your creations. Definitely looking forward to seeing the Countess getting painted (hint hint!)

    That duel diorama looks very cool, shame about what happened to the old store manager but the model itself looks well worth resurrecting.

    Not sure if I’ve commented on your Blood Bowl team before but I really like it. The new plastic teams are mostly so gorgeous that you very rarely see unique converted teams anymore so it’s really nice to see that you’ve kept yours on and it still holds up so well.

    Glad to hear you’ll be sticking it out as a blogger rather than joining the long line that’s abandoning blogs for instagram. I’m on Facepuke at the moment (I’d rather not be but I’m stuck using it for various personal reasons so as I’m there anyway I follow a few hobby groups for inspiration and I have to say, although there are talented people wherever you go the platform itself is still an abomination). Like you I’d rather not give FB any more space in my life than I already have. Plus scrolling through a load of pictures is nice enough but nothing really compares to taking the time to read a well crafted blog post. I’ll hold up my hand and admit that I don’t comment on any blogs, yours included, half as much as I ought to, something I’m trying to do better with in 2019.

    Ultimately though I think it’s blogs and forums that will stand the test of time because this is a platform where inspiring work can be appreciated and where people can get to know each other, encourage one another and engage with each other’s projects, and that’s worth more in the long run than thousands of “likes”.

    • Thanks for the kind words, Wudugast! Regarding the Blood Bowl team, it was already operational when the new models came up, and while I love them – especially the Orcs – they wouldn’t have worked all that well next to my older models, so I am sticking with the kitbash approach for now 😉

      I hear you about not commenting enough — in fact, yours is one of the blogs I should have commented on far more, especially since you’re still going through the trouble of writing the same detailed reviews that I have abandoned for the most part. Still, looking forward to another year of blogging from you! 🙂

  18. A great year, dude, well done! Worker #9 has to be my favourite of this bunch, but I’m on a serious Necromunda bender at the moment so perhaps that’s to be expected 😀

    I tried getting into a couple of forums this year, but I couldn’t get the hang of it. I’ve been on the Yak in the past, but these days forums are just too much information in one place for me to trawl through. I’m still a big fan of long-form blogging though, even if I sometimes find it hard to comment on certain things. Keep up the good work!

    • Thanks a lot, Ross! My advice on forums would be to only really focus on one or two sections: For most of the forums I frequent, I stick to the WIP action with the ongoing project threads, because that’s usually where all the good stuff is 😉

  19. Jeff Vader Says:

    A great haul mate! I’m particularly fond of the road crew and their awesome robot.

    Not to mention the countess! Wow! Talk about being off to a good start!

  20. Pearson73 Says:

    A good read, as your roundup always is! I agree with your findings that painting more frequently makes it more appealing; it was something I infrequently did and without much enthusiasm, but I made a real effort to start and now it’s something I really want to focus on in 2019.

    I’m really looking forward to seeing you get some paint on Argel Tal and that fantastic duel diorama (awful shame about your local manager). Also keen to hear your thoughts on “Armies & Legions & Hordes”.

    • Cheers, man! Yeah, Argel Tal — ugh, I’ve been meaning to get him painted for two years now. 2019 is his year — I am sure of it. I’ll probably finish him up righ as an official FW model gets released 😉

      I am also really looking forward to Dave’s book — it still hasn’t arrived…

  21. Schöne Zusammenfassung und geile Projekte! Für mich sind Blogs wie deiner unersetzlich. Deiner, der so schön bodenständig daherkommt, genauso wie iron sleet mit dem ganzen Künstler Brimborium. Total liebevoll wie Gardens of hecate, oder Betweenthebolterandme mit der Politik – Ist alles geil! Alles Aspekte des Hobbys. Macht gleich Bock auch was zu machen. So eigen kann ein Instagram Profil einfach nicht sein. Ich hoffe du findest weiterhin die Muße dein Buch hier weiter zu schreiben! Alles Gute jedenfalls für 2019!

    • Next time again in English!

    • Hey Florian, vielen Dank für die netten Worte! Freut mich sehr zu hören — übrigens gerne auch auf deutsch 😉

      Kann mich Deiner Einschätzung nur anschließen: Die Bloglandschaft bietet eben ganz viele verschiedene Blicke aufs Hobby, mit ganz unterschiedlichen Schwerpunkten — da lohnt es sich, dabei zu bleiben, hoffe ich 😉

  22. Awesome and inspiring stuff as always. I’m really looking forward to seeing more of the other warbands you hinted at, as well as Countess Mandelholtz. She’s one creepy old lady.

    • Thanks a lot, Safr! Countess Mandelholtz is one of those paintjobs I am really looking forward to while also dreading it equal measure — does that make sense? 😉

      • Yeah, I get it. I have a few models lying around that I’ve been working on for quite some time. Now I’m a bit worried that my paintjob won’t match the vision in my head. Based on basically everything you’ve produced so far I wouldn’t be too worried though. All your work is top notch.

  23. 52 models might not be a ground-shaking number, but it’s certainly respectable – and fart more than I got done for many, menay years of my painting career. On top of that, your models feature some exquisite conversions and paint that is worthy to match them (less common than you might think). Once again – I really appreciate the …shout-out? credit? acknowledgement? Whatever it is, like I said the other day, it’s honestly really humbling to know that my challenges had some part (often smaller, sometimes larger) in helping motivate you and others to finish off some bloody amazing looking models.
    On that – it’s pretty cool to look over your year’s output and see how many of those Warbands you’ve completed and just how good they look!
    Maybe.. February can help to see Argel Tal, or that diorama fully realised? And on that 54mm Techpriest, he can always be worked on in the background for definate completion in or by May if that motivation helps? Throw that Armiger in there as well! 🙂
    I’m certainly looking forward to seeing what appears on your blog shortly and across the coming year…

    • Cheers for the kind words, mate! I am really happy to have finished so many warbands, especially when some of them had been sitting on my unpainted pile for years at this point! I am definitely planning to wrap up some long-running projects the same way this year. Wish me luck! 😉

  24. […] of you who have read my hobby recap for 2018 might remember the fact that I backed two hobby related Kickstarter projects last year, one of them […]

  25. […] first two models have actually already made a small appearance on this blog, as part of my 2018 recap, as they were the very last models I painted last year. But I think they deserve their fifteen […]

  26. […] said, if anyone does want to listen to me ranting about Instagram a little more, why, just look at last year’s post — everything that I said then is still perfectly accurate, even moreso today, in some […]

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