More chaos – some of it intentional…

I realise this week’s update is late again, plus it might be slightly less substantial than I would have liked. But since I’ve been suffering from a bad back for the last two days, I wasn’t really in shape for any earth-shattering content, so all I can offer you today is a small update on my various chaos projects — I hope you won’t mind πŸ˜‰

So anyway, let’s take a look at what’s on my desk right now:

I. Hey, it’s that guy again…

This will be our last look at the unpainted model for the Doomwall, promise πŸ˜‰ I added some chaotic decoration to his warhammer, and with that the model is finished:

The Doomwall WIP (17)
The Doomwall WIP (18)
The Doomwall WIP (19)
The Doomwall WIP (20)
The Doomwall WIP (21)
The Doomwall WIP (22)
Like I said before, I am super happy with how this model turned out, and I will hopefully start painting this big guy as soon as my back stops acting up!

II. Red Butcher

While I was working on a Terminator model anyway, I took the chance to also revisit another model in TDA: You may remember the two Red Butchers I purchased a while ago. One became a character named Raas the Butcher:

Raas the Butcher (2)
And the other one looked like this when we last saw him:

Second Red Butcher WIP (1)
However, there was a problem with this guy: I want all of the Terminators in Captain Lorimar’s retinue to be fairly unique characters. And this guy shared exactly the same face mask as Raas the Butcher above — actually one of my main gripes with the Red Butchers in the first place! What’s more, in this case the mask really seemed to work against the model’s overall pose, leading to a model that’s neither here or there composition-wise. So I carefully started cutting (and also swapped in a new arm). Here’s what the WIP looks like right now:

Second Red Butcher WIP (5)
Second Red Butcher WIP (6)
Both the face and arms may still be subject to change at this point, but I feel like getting rid of the original head was the right decision!

III. Knight Fever

And finally, a look at the current state of my very own Chaos Knight. As you may remember, the overall conversion was basically finished last time, so only a bit of detail work remained.

Chaos Knight WIP (80)
So I only made some minor changes to the prior version of the model: Thanks to a bitz drop from my buddy Biohazard, I was able to use a defiler bit as a muzzle on the Knight’s main cannon — the part is just a perfect fit for that! I also added some spikes to the gun barrel in order to make it look slightly less plain. And a chain was added to the Knight’s left greave, bringing it more in line with the pauldron on the same side.

Anyway, this is what the pretty much finished Knight looks like now:

Chaos Knight WIP (77)
Chaos Knight WIP (83)
Chaos Knight WIP (85)
Chaos Knight WIP (87)
Chaos Knight WIP (89)
Chaos Knight WIP (90)
Chaos Knight WIP (92)
The one thing still missing at this point are some dangling chains that I want to add to the weapons and arms, and after that, I suppose I don’t have any more excuses to put off painting this guy any longer?! Speaking of which, I am already making plans for one particular area of the paintjob, at least:

Those of you who have been following my work on this model so far might remember one particular idea supplied by fellow hobbyist dantay_XV. In his own words:

The other idea I had, but again might not work would be bloody hand prints on the lower limbs and small totems or skulls at the feet of the knight like offerings or devotions. As the 4th company go to war, they walk by Harrowthorne’s Knight & touch a bloody hand to its armour in the hope of receiving Khorne’s blessing for a good hunt etc before going to battle.

Not only did this seem like a beautifully fluffy addition to the Baron’s background, but I also began asking myself whether it would be possible to incorporate the bloody handprints on the actual model. So here’s what I did: I used a GW plastic hand trophy (from the old Night Goblin kit, if memory serves) and made a simple press mold from it, using GS. The two hands were made, using more GS. And these were then coated with Tamiya Clear Red to be used as some kind of “stamp”, so to speak:

Handprints (1)
So far, my attempts at creating the “bloody handprint” effect have been limited to paper, though. Here are the first results:

Handprints (2)
As you can see, while some of the handprints do look pretty convincing, I am not yet able to make sure that this effect works 100% of the time. So I’ll need to work on the process a bit, in order to make sure it’s more or less foolproof, lest I ruin a very expensive model. But the results so far definitely merit some further exploration, don’t you think?

Chaos Knight WIP (79)

IV. A new home for the XIIth

And finally, a shout out to a thread you might find interesting: All those of you who either contemplate starting their own World Eaters force or who already are commanders of the Eaters of Worlds (both in their Heresy and post-Heresy incarnations), let me just point you towards a little community topic recently started over at The Bolter and Chainsword by renowned Skull Championess Flint13, with a little support from some other blood crazy maniacs, including yours truly:

The World Eaters players over there are having a little roll call to assemble all the various companies and warbands of our glorious legion, and we are hoping this topic can become a new home for the forumites at B&C for discussing topics relevant for our great legion, as well as a way of assembling the full might of the XIIth. So whether you want to join the ranks of the World Eaters, already own a warband or are just looking for some inspiration, it’s all in good fun, so head over there and go take a look:


And with that, our little emergency update is complete. Wish me a speedy recovery, people πŸ˜‰ And feel free to let me hear any feedback you might have.

As always, thanks for looking and stay tuned for more!

22 Responses to “More chaos – some of it intentional…”

  1. Absolutely fantastic builds, man! Those terminators just look brutal, and the knight is incredibly cool. Great stuff!

  2. Matt McClanahan Says:

    Nice work, thanks for the inspiration

  3. For those handprints, you could consider glueing a plasticard handle to the rear so you can wiggle them around a bit and ensure good contact and a better print. It may help, as on the knight’s leg, you’re essentially pushing two concave surfaces together, where the paper is still flat.

    • I think the next (and maybe final) version of the “hand brush” will have the stamp itself slightly curved and fixed to something that can be easily gripped — a cork, for example. That way, it should be much easier to produce consistent results with the stamp.

  4. Absolutely stunning mate (especially the knight) – best thing I reckon about the hobby. Someone taking something generic and making it their own. Class act!

  5. All of that looks fantastic!

    That halberd looks really good, I still have not done mine. I have just had no hobby time or drive. I really need to finish up some models.

    • Cheers, mate! As I’ve pointed out in an earlier post, that halberd wielding Terminator was totally inspired by one of your models — which are always amazing, btw, which is why I am sooo looking forward to your next update! πŸ™‚

    • Thanks a lot, Andrew! I am really, really looking forward to your next update, whenever it may happen, because your models are always supremely inspirational — especially the World Eaters, of course! πŸ™‚

      • Thanks! I have not had a good hobby space for the last 3 years. I hope to fix that soon. I have Kharn to paint. Some Red Butchers to convert. A Lord on Juggernaut to convert (also inspired by the same Frazetta pic that I think you liked)

        I am probably going to tear apart that Terminator Lord I have been working on and use one of the Red Butchers as the body.

        Anyway, your conversions are really looking great. That Terminator Lord at the top just breaks my brain on a brass anvil!

      • Cheers, Andrew! I can only repeat myself here: Looking forward to seeing whatever it is you come up with, be it Nurglite or Khornate…now get to work! πŸ˜‰

      • I also have a huge Death Guard project on the backburner. Huge meaning many models, but some of those are big…

        Just need the time and money and space.

  6. […] PART I PART II PART III […]

  7. How in the world did you sculpt those greenstuff spikes on the gun barrel of the knight?

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