State of the Hunt, week 26/2020: Tributes in plastic and more digital Dreams

Time for another update, lest this blog fall into complete disuse. Be warned, though: Today’s post is a bit of a stitched-together chimera of different things. But hey, better than no new content whatsoever, eh? So step this way, please. I have some things to show you:

I. A few tributes in model form

While I didn’t have the time to work on any new models, I do have some pieces from earlier this year that I have not yet featured here on the blog, so this seems like a perfect opportunity to finally give them their day in the limelight!

First up is a conversion I am really happy with. By way of introduction, let me reiterate that my buddy DexterKong and me are basically sharing (and co-developing) the same 40k adventurescape, our little corner of the 41st millennium, so to speak: the Velsen Sector.

On top of being fun, this basically serves as a very handy resource, because the background we have (and continue to) come up with really serves as an extra layer of texture that informs our conversions and character ideas. Now a couple of years ago, Dexter came up with a character that I have been jealous of ever since. One Inquisitor Uraccen Falx, of the Ordo Xenos:

Inquisitor Falx by DexterKong

Dexter imagined Falx as a bit of a crackpot and a conspiracy-theorist — to be fair, he came up with a character at a time where conspiracy-theorists weren’t as much of a dangerous real-world political influence as they are today. But the idea of an Inquisitor who was basically a huge paranoiac, expecting vile xenos conspiracies behind everyone and everything truly appealed, and I think you can really see that kind of background in the model: Falx is an old, drawn, perpetually exhausted fanatic who will not allow himself to rest, lest “they” finally get to him.

In case you are interested, you can find out more about Falx here and here. For today, suffice it to say that this was one of those models that I always regretted not having come up with myself — until I realised a while ago that I could at least do the next-best thing and build a version of Falx for my own collection.

So that’s what I did:

For the most part, this was very much a case of trying to “colour inside the lines”, so to speak, trying to match Dexter’s original model. I diverged from the original design in one or two small ways (choosing a different tilting plate as well as a – very fitting – shoulder mounted AdMech gun. I also used a different sidearm, mostly because I didn’t have any of those ancient Eldar pistols left πŸ˜‰ , but I think it’s still recognisably the same guy. The one really brilliant part of the original model that I didn’t quite manage to capture was Falx’s scrawny neck, making him look like a tired turtle, poking out from inside its shell. But oh well, I am still pretty happy with the finished model (and with having a version of Falx in my collection now).

DexterKong’s version of Falx also uses multiple servo-skulls made from xenos-trophies, to show his ultimate disdain for those vile creatures. So while I was at it, I also built Falx a little friend:

The next thing I want to share with you happens to be yet another tribute — albeit to a video game this time around:

Early this year, I blazed through the adventure game “Primordia”, which I simply cannot praise highly enough: It’s a wonderful little graphic adventure with lots of style which is both fantastically grimdark and, at least in places, rather funny. It also resembles the look of a classic franco-belgian SciFi comic series, which was what drew me to it in the first place. Just take a look at this, and you’ll see what I mean:

Oh, and if you play it with your eyes half-closed, you may be forgiven for thinking it’s basically “Adeptus Mechanicus Forgeworld – the videogame” πŸ˜‰

Anyway, the game’s protagonist is a robot named “Horatio Nullbuilt”:

And I liked the game so much that I thought it might be a cool little project to built a model resembling him:

The conversion isn’t quite finished yet. Plus it only really makes sense if you know the game — otherwise it’ll just look like a slightly dodgy, off-brand AdMech conversion to you. But I’ve already had a laugh building this guy so far — especially when it came to recreating his trusty little plasma-torch πŸ˜‰

Of course I also made a kitbash to represent his loyal sidekick, Crispin Horatiobuilt, a small spherical robot with a chip on his (nonexistent) shoulder:

Here’s a piece of artwork showing both of them as they appear in the game:

To be fair, I did “40k-i-fy” both of them a bit, but I think they are still pretty recognisable.

It may be some time before I actually paint those two, but I’ll be going for a colour scheme closely resembling their appearance in the game. In the meantime, I really recommend you check out Primordia, if you haven’t already. It’s very pretty – in a highly anachronistic way – and rather grimdark, too.

And while we are on the subject of video games…


II. Meanwhile, in the world of Dreams:

I am not going to lie to you: Most of my hobby right now is still spent messing around with Dreams, Mediamolecule’s incredibly accessible game engine.

For starters, since my previous post on the matter, I have made lots of small and larger tweaks to my game “Islands”, including adding a final, secret level and a second unlockable ending. Here’s the trailer for the game again, for those who missed it last time around:

I was also lucky enough to be able to coax fellow hobbyist and blogger Azazel into giving the game a try πŸ˜‰ If you want to follow suit, I’d be honoured:

The game is listed here.Β Unfortunately, in order to actually get to play it, you still need access to both a PS4 and a copy of Dreams.

Mediamolecule will be hosting a digital event called DreamsCom’20 event next week and, brilliantly enough, have called for digital exhibition booths for the event. I loved the creative challenge, plus my game can frankly use all the publicity it can get, so I used the booth template very helpfully provided by the developers and made my very own exhibition space:

It’s weird and wonderful stuff like this – in addition to the sheer creative joy that is at the heart of Dreams and its community – that I believe is what makes me spent such an obscene amount of time on it at the moment.

To wit, on top of designing a complete game, I have also come up with my very first animated short (made for the “Tiny Worlds Community Jam”), called “The Bug Ronin – Search for the Light Within”:

In this case, I have uploaded the film on YouTube, so feel free to check it out here:

And I have also sculpted a male head (as part of the sculpting masterclass that is part of Dreams’ tutorials), resulting in this finished piece:

Frankly, this seems to me like something created by somebody far more talented than me (especially if you compare it to my previous attempts at sculpting a face). This time around, I have gone for a character design slightly influenced by the style of the “Dishonored” games.

Anyway, the point I am trying to make here is this: I have created all of this using the same suite of tools. And none of it would have seemed remotely possible to me before!

To be fair, none of this has anything to do with 40k or INQ28, so many of you probably won’t really care that much. However, I am, in fact, already thinking about how this new skillset I have been acquiring might be turned towards the 40k side of my hobby time — in fact, I would love to start by creating some digital sculptures for some of my characters — Redactor Orlant and the Countess Mandelholtz, in particular, immediately caught my eye…

For now, fellow Dreamer Alex Markov is already creating some highly impressive 40k content in Dreams:

So yeah, so much for my little heads up regarding my current projects. It goes without saying that I would love to hear any thoughts and feedback you might have!

As always, thanks for looking and stay tuned for more! And please stay safe and healthy!

16 Responses to “State of the Hunt, week 26/2020: Tributes in plastic and more digital Dreams”

  1. Good to hear from you mate – some great little conversions in there. Funny where we can get our inspiration from!

  2. Primordia looks really cool, I just love that art style. Your own game is looking incredible too! That final model is outstanding progress from your Eisenhorn, it looks really professional. Keep it up, I love reading your blog. Don’t feel limited to just having to post 40k modelling if that’s difficult, this Dreams stuff is great to read about too!

    • Cheers, Anon! Yeah, while it feels like those Dreams-related news rather go against the grain of this blog – and its audience – to some extent, I might not be able to resists posting stuff like that every once in a while. Cheers for appreciating it nonetheless! And Primordia is quite wonderful, you should definitely check it out!

  3. Buddy bud bud! So good to hear from you at last! While you’ve already shown Inquisitor Falx on the B&C -iirc-, it’s always good to see that little rascal – such a lovely miniature and background. I gotta say, now that I am treading into INQ28 myself, I am quite envious of your shared Velsen Sector as a source of inspiration and well of creativity. Your Horatio looks like a cool figurine too, and I have to compliment you on the likeliness AND on the 40k-ificatipon without distracting from the original. Bravo! Primordia sound like a wonderful game too and I will definitely check that out if it is available on Steanm. Congrats too on the new face in Dreams – WOW you’ve progressed. I remember you being a bit salty at the lack of response on the B&C and I do hope that that is not the reason for your apparent absence there. We miss you!

    • Cheers, buddy! It’s always lovely to hear from you as well — and I will definitely be writing you a longer reply to your e-mail in short order. As for the forum, my absence is mostly due to me having spent virtually no time on 40k-related stuff recently, but I will admit that it also seemed a bit cumbersome to me before that, with very little reaction to content — which just seems like a general trend, though… 😦

  4. Dexter Says:

    Flax looks great man! I can’t gush enough about how cool it is to see that little lunatic re-imagined. I’m really looking forward to seeing him painted!

  5. As always, your builds are sublime. πŸ™‚

  6. So good to see a new post!
    Falx looks great, and your works on Islands and on face sculpting are very good, especially the latter shows a noticeable improvement (I liked your Eisenhorn sculpt as well, anyway!) but for me the star of the show is the “tribute” to Primordia: I didn’t know the game before reading about it here, but by looking at the pictures your conversion easily reads as the protagonist of the game! great job (again)!

  7. Love both iterations of Falx, and echo the thoughts about conspiracy theorists – let’s keep Judge Dredd-style madness safely in the 40k universe!
    Really like the xenos servo skulls, too. Something I’ve been meaning to build for ages, so it’s nice to see it executed so well.

    • Yeah, I’ll drink to that! πŸ˜‰ Also, thanks a lot for the comment! Make sure to check out DexterKong’s original model for Falx (linked in my post), as he’s actually built him some additional Xenos servo-skulls that are pretty nice as well!

  8. Mark from Wormwood Says:

    Horatio and Crispin are great! Can I post them on our Wormwood Studios social media?

    • Hey Mark, are you kidding? Of course you can post them — I’d be honoured! Actually, now I am feeling bad for not having painted them yet…
      In any case, thanks for an absolutely fantastic game! I cannot overstate how much I enjoyed exploring that world!

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